IDE Integration

Downloading the source

Either git clone the tinygo source from.

Go mod init in your project

Navigate to your project and type:

go mod init

Replace needed imports

Replace each std package you need using the replace keyword in the go.mod file.

So if you want the machine package to be resolved replace it using.

replace machine => /path/to/tinygo/machine

Repeat this step for every package, which needs to be resolved in your project.



go 1.14

replace machine => /home/tobias/go/src/

require (
    machine v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 v0.13.0

Add go module files to the packages

In order to get your package resolved, you also have to add a go mod file for the packages.

So navigate to /path/to/tinygo/src/neededpackage

And then do go mod init


 cd ~/go/src/
 go mod init


In order to get IDE support like autocomplete you have to add the tinygo src path to your GOPATH. So setup your Gopath first. After adding the tinygo source path to the GOPATH go will know, where to look for the packages like machine

Ubuntu Example

Check if GOPATH is set

echo $GOPATH

If you result is empty, you need to set the GOPATH fist

You can just append the path to your tinygo installation in your GOPATH.

export GOPATH=$GOPATH:/path/to/your/tinygo

Windows Example

Windows uses a semicolon to separate the different paths. So you can just append the path to your tinygo using the example below.

set GOPATH=%GOPATH%;C:\path\to\your\tinygo

At this point, if you are in src/examples/bliny1/blinky.go, machine.Output can be handled by gopls. You may want to prompt them to check it once.

At this point, machine.LED cannot be processed by gopls. This is because you do not have build-tag or other settings in place.

Starting your editor with variables

The last step needed to get full code completion support is to start your editor with environment variables.

You could also just set the environment variables for your complete environment, but this would interfere you when, writing normal go code.

So we use another way.

Gather the needed information

We need different environment variables for different microcontrollers.

You can use tinygo info controllerName

Example To gather information needed to work with an Arduino use:

tinygo info arduino

$ tinygo info arduino
LLVM triple:       avr-unknown-unknown
GOOS:              linux
GOARCH:            arm
build tags:        avr baremetal linux arm atmega328p atmega avr5 arduino tinygo gc.conservative scheduler.none
garbage collector: conservative
scheduler:         none

So now you now, that.

  1. GOOS needs to be set to linux
  2. GOARCH needs to be set to arm
  3. GOFLAGS needs to be set to -tags=avr,baremetal,linux,arm,atmega328p,atmega,avr5,arduino,tinygo,gc.conservative,scheduler.none

Important is that you need to comma separate the tags.

Start the editor

The following example should work for all editors. And more or less all operating systems. The syntax may vary depending on your os/shell.

VSCode Example:

export GOOS=linux; export GOARCH=arm; export GOFLAGS=-tags=avr,baremetal,linux,arm,atmega328p,atmega,avr5,arduino,tinygo,gc.conservative,scheduler.none; code

Using tinygo-edit

There is a CLI tool called tinygo-edit you can use it to Gather the needed build flags and starting the editor using the correct environment variables. Using the CLI you don’t need to do the steps manualy.

Using an alias

Another alternative to automate the process of fetching the needed environment variables and starting your editor, you could also create an alias.

Ubuntu Example using vscode

export VISUAL=code
alias startTinyGoArduino="GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOFLAGS=-tags=$(tinygo info arduino|grep 'build tags'|awk -F: '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'|sed -e 's/[[:space:]]/,/g') $EDITOR"


This process has only been tested with the gopls language server. It might or might not work with other language servers.

To install gopls follow the instructions in the link above.

TinyGo Drivers

There are already lot’s of drivers for common hardware. See this for more information.

Install drivers

go get